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How did we do it? With a simple premise: You work hard, and so do we. (There are no slackers at  L.G Enterprise.) But it's more than just hard work. Our growth has been guided by four key principles:

  • Quality As A Necessity

    We're dedicated to the needs of working people everywhere, based on the proposition that quality isn't a luxury, it's an absolute necessity. Why? Because we've learned from experience that buying quality may cost a little more to start with, but it's a bargain in the long-run. Thus, our customers shop with confidence knowing the brands and products found at L G Enterprise have passed stringent requirements for quality, durability, comfort and outstanding value.

  • Low Prices - All The Time

    We firmly believe every working person deserves a fair deal each and every time they shop with us. But how do we make sure that our customers always get a fair deal? We start with fair pricing, backed by our exclusive 120% Price Protection Guarantee.

    Our 120% Price Protection Guarantee is your assurance that our net delivered price and value will always save you money. Unlike some companies, we don't hide part of our price in the form of "shipping and handling" charges that mysteriously show up in your shopping cart at the last minute. (We hate when that happens.) No unpleasant surprises here!

  • Honesty In All We Say and Do

    We don't believe in the phony "blow out" sales offerings that you see at most stores. We think you're smart enough to recognize real value, without resorting to these tactics. If you see something marked down at the L G Enterprise site, the savings are always genuine.

    Our bottom line is this: There's more to business than just the bottom line. It's also about integrity and honesty. We treat people the way we would like to be treated. Nothing fancy here; just good common sense and respect for our customers. It works for us; we know it works for you too.

  • Fanatical Customer Service

    While every business talks about great customer service, we're fanatical about taking care of our customers' needs. But don't take our word for it, (talk is cheap), Whether by telephone or email, or you'll always enjoy honest and friendly service.


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